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6 Ways To Clear Tough Drain Clogs

One of the messiest, most unsavory chores we have to take care of in our homes is clearing drain clogs. No one wants to do it, but we’d rather have a tried and true solution than waste time trying to figure it out, right?

Even though Mission Air Conditioning & Plumbing provides the best Houston drain cleaning and sewer services, we know that some clogs can be resolved by homeowners. If you’re looking for the best drain cleaner or some natural drain cleaning techniques to make your next drain clog a piece of cake, keep reading!

Chemical Cleaner

Your first instinct may be to run to the store for a common drain cleaner, but you should be aware of the risks before you use these chemicals. To cut through such tough drain clogs, these chemical cleaners have to be pretty harsh themselves. This means that you are introducing a corrosive chemical to the inside of your pipes. You could be causing deterioration that requires plumbing repairs, and the chemical could linger at the mouth of the drain or sink you use it on. Plus, the chemical usually eats a hole through the clog, leaving some materials behind to form another clog.

Natural Drain Cleaners

If you’re looking for a natural and safe drain cleaner, it’s easier than you think. Many of your household items can be really useful for dissolving or solving clogs before you have to call for plumbing assistance.

Hot Water, Vinegar & Baking Soda

Most clogs formed with wastes that dissolve can be treated with hot water. This just speeds up the process that normal water would do as it flowed over the area. If hot water alone doesn’t work, you can also add baking soda. Baking soda bubbles and froths, lifting tough substances and allowing them to be flushed away. Vinegar is also a great liquid to try since it has grease-cutting properties.

Wire Hanger

The classic wire hanger tactic is definitely something you should consider. This solution is especially effective for tub or shower drain clogs because the likelihood of hair being involved is high. The end of the wire hanger can easily grab hold of hair and lift the clog out of the drain.

Vinegar Ice Cubes

For a kitchen sink clog, freezing a mixture of vinegar and water into ice cubes is an easy way to cut through grease. This is also used as a preventative measure against the build-up of grease both in the drain and in the garbage disposal. 

Caustic Soda

Also known as sodium hydroxide, caustic soda diluted in water is an effective drain cleaner.

Warning: This solution is highly corrosive and dangerous to your health and safety. Please use proper caution when handling this solution and don’t try this tactic until it’s your last resort.

Professional Tools

If your DIY drain clog removal isn’t going so well or the clog is getting worse, don’t hesitate to call an expert plumber. Some clogs can’t be resolved without the special tools and cameras that plumbers have access to. If you ever feel uncomfortable or unsure about clearing a clog, let us lift that stress from your shoulders. We know drain clogs inside and out, and we’ve never met one tougher than our team.

Let Us Clear Your Clog

Use these tips the next time a drain clogs up in your home, but always know that Mission Air Conditioning & Plumbing is on your side. If you need more tips or information on our plumbing services, give us a call!

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